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Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) has successfully delivered its first technical advisory partnership in Southeast Asia, with two key wastewater management documents delivered to the Royal Government of Cambodia.
Following a request from Cambodia’s Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) for rapid advice on wastewater financing in March 2021, P4I’s first engagement in the region transitioned to a longer-term technical advisory activity. In July, P4I presented a draft High-Level Funding and Cost-Recovery Framework and Strategic Roadmap to advance the national goal of providing all citizens with access to safe drinking water, and improved sanitation and hygiene.
H.E. Hem Vanndy, Secretary of State of MEF, expressed satisfaction with the speed and quality of P4I’s technical advisory services.
“What makes P4I and Australian support unique is the ability to deliver sustainable assistance, so that Cambodian officials have more capacity, but also a technical backstop which they can throw questions at quickly,” he said.
The framework outlines the principles underpinning a strategic and holistic approach to the sustainable and integrated investment and funding of wastewater infrastructure and maintenance services in Cambodia. A key aspect of the design is the inclusion of all citizens, including women, ethnic minorities and the financially vulnerable.
While the roadmap identifies the practical steps needed to achieve Cambodia’s longer-term wastewater objectives, including through the National Wastewater Strategy and the new Wastewater and Drainage Law.
Australia’s Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Pablo Kang said that although this initial activity focused on wastewater, P4I provides a platform to enhance cooperation on sustainable infrastructure across sectors, including transport, utilities, energy, and digital telecommunications.
“Australia and P4I stand ready to support implementation of elements of the Framework and Roadmap and welcome priorities for our ongoing engagement,” Ambassador Kang said.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch. Using P4I's flexible, innovative tools and diverse global expertise, we are confident we can design a response that is tailored to your needs.