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Thailand’s Ministry of Transport (MOT) has embarked on a journey with Australia to ensure staff have the knowledge and skills needed to address the latest transport trends and challenges.
Organised by Australia’s Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) initiative, the capacity building program targets staff from MOT and related state-owned enterprises. A total of five half-day workshops, between March and May 2023, will cover key themes identified during an extensive consultation process.
The first session on global transport updates and trends was held 15 March at MOT’s Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) in Bangkok, with around 250 staff joining either in-person and online.
In attendance was Dr Punya Chupanit, Director General OTP who chaired the workshop and officially welcomed participants.
“OTP as implementing agency, has collaborated with P4I to organise five seminars on key transportation topics to enhance the capacity of Ministry of Transport personnel,” he said.
“This is an opportunity to learn and exchange knowledge which will enable us to promote sustainable transport development.”
Following Dr Chupanit’s opening address, Ms Julia Feeney, Deputy Head of the Australian Embassy, acknowledged the longstanding relationship between Thailand and Australia.
“Last year, Thailand and Australia celebrated our 70th anniversary of diplomatic ties and our relationship was elevated in 2020 with the signing of a Strategic Partnership which committed us to do even more together, including in infrastructure,” she said.
“Today’s commencement of the capacity building workshops supports our Strategic Partnership and continues Australia’s close cooperation with Thailand.”
All presenters during the workshops are subject-matter experts, drawn from Australian industry regulators, transport entities, and private transport companies, such as the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Transport for NSW, Compass IoT and Transurban.
The capacity building program was designed by P4I in response to the MOT’s identified challenges and priorities, such as congestion, road safety, accessibility, sustainability, and smart technology. All sessions aim to strengthen the skills and knowledge of MOT employees and equip them with the skills needed to influence transport policy and regulation into the future.
Future sessions will cover technology and data, sustainability strategies, safety and disaster management, and operating in a post-COVID world.
The P4I workshops with MOT are part of a wider transport cooperation agreement signed between Australia and Thailand in August 2022 to drive inclusive and sustainable transport infrastructure. Through P4I, Australia is also supporting Thailand’s transition of its public bus fleet to electric vehicles.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch. Using P4I's flexible, innovative tools and diverse global expertise, we are confident we can design a response that is tailored to your needs.