Australia supports Cambodian officials to study road design in Australia

MPWT Austroads and P4I in Conference
Officials from Cambodia's Ministry of Public Works and Transport attend the Australian Flexible Pavements Association international conference in Brisbane with Austroads

Australia supported two high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) to travel to Brisbane from 30 October to 3 November 2023 to experience best Australian practices in road pavement design.

Supported by Australia’s Partnerships for Infrastructure program, the trip was part of ongoing collaboration between Austroads and MPWT to update Cambodia’s national road and bridge technical standards, and to strengthen capacity in road pavement design and construction.

Australian Ambassador to Cambodia, Justin Whyatt, commended the collaboration between Austroads and MPWT, stating, "This partnership between Australia and Cambodia recognises that well designed, inclusive and resilient roads are the backbone of economic growth – connecting communities, and fostering trade and development.  Well-designed roads can also better withstand the impacts of climate change."

"Investing in Cambodia's road infrastructure design and capacity is a pathway to progress,” he added.

Organised by Austroads, a collective of Australian and New Zealand transport agencies, MPWT Secretary of State His Excellency Yit Bunna and Director General His Excellency Heng Rathpiseth undertook a comprehensive program, including attending Australian Flexible Pavements Association international conference from 30 October to 1 November 2023, and field visits.

Under the theme “Safely Paving the way to Carbon Zero”, the conference focused on ensuring road pavements are constructed in a sustainable and resilient way by minimising environmental, climate change and extreme weather impacts. Cambodian delegates were able to connect with road pavement professionals from across the world, including government, industry and academia.

Delegates also met with counterparts from Queensland Reconstruction Authority, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), and Austroads. Discussions focused on how road projects are planned and prioritised in Queensland, including examples of how safety, social inclusion, and disaster risk reduction and climate change considerations are integrated into road design. Also discussed, were plans to send MPWT staff members to TMR on secondment in the future.

Site visits were arranged to the TMR road pavement testing facility at Bulwer Island and to roadworks currently underway to upgrade Cleveland-Redland Bay Road in Brisbane.

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