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Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) has supported an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) workshop on green investment and sustainable infrastructure in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on 19 August 2022.
Held ahead of the APEC Investment Experts Group meeting, the workshop brought together over 100 participants from APEC member economies and delegations from Cambodia and Lao PDR under the theme “Green Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Infrastructure in a Changing World.”
The Australian Government co-sponsored the workshop with the Thailand Board of Investment to encourage dialogue on infrastructure investment that helps meet the region’s environmental and economic growth objectives.
Australian Ambassador to Thailand, Dr Angela Macdonald, delivered opening remarks and said the workshop theme recognised the increasing global focus on green investment and quality infrastructure.
“Quality infrastructure enables more equitable and sustainable growth, and socio-economic development for all citizens. Australia is committed to supporting green investment flows and sustainable infrastructure in the region. Australia is particularly pleased to be hosting this workshop during Thailand’s APEC Host year.”
Joining the workshop virtually, Thailand Board of Investment Deputy Secretary General, Sonklin Ploymee, said “This symposium is very much in line with APEC’s 2022 theme of ‘Open. Connect. Balance’ and the Bangkok Goals on Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy.”
“With Thailand’s abundant natural resources, biological diversity, and leading agricultural production, the BCG Model focuses on four economic sectors which are food and agriculture, medical and wellness, energy materials and biochemicals, and tourism and the creative economy. The BCG Model may progress the post-pandemic phase and long-term growth by utilising science, technology, and innovation through a whole-society approach, in conjunction with the appropriate policies and measures.”
The workshop included panel discussions on trends and challenges, and on how governments can respond and create a more favourable enabling environment to attract high quality investment and sustainable infrastructure development. Speakers from Australia’s Infrastructure CoLab and Clean Energy Finance Corporation highlighted innovative approaches to support green investment and sustainable infrastructure.
P4I organised the workshop with the support of the Australian-supported Mekong Foreign Investment and Critical Infrastructure Initiative.
If you are interested in partnering with us, please get in touch. Using P4I's flexible, innovative tools and diverse global expertise, we are confident we can design a response that is tailored to your needs.